Behaviour Consultant

Our Behaviour Consultant will:

Conduct a functional assessment (FA) of behaviour and develop a multi-element Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) plan.

  • This plan will be child-centred and will include comprehensive, individualized goals and support strategies for home, school, work, recreation and community.
  • Plans are based on a range of evidence-based support strategies, including augmentative and alternative communication strategies, visual support strategies, peer mediated learning, social skills and understanding, imagery and relaxation.
  • Work with your family, school, community groups, (or workplace for older children) to train and supervise team members to implement strategies.

Examples of frequent goals and outcomes of Behaviour Support Plans:

School Supports: With parent and school permission, Achieve’s Behaviour Consultant can liaise with the school team to learn about supports they are finding useful and replicate these supports in the home and community environment to assist with generalization skills.  Our Behaviour Consultant can share with the school team home support strategies that may be conducive to replicating in the school environment.  Following this collaborative approach benefits all members involved. Our Behaviour Consultant can attend IEP (Individual Education Plan) meetings as per parents request.  As well, our Behaviour Consultant can attend high school transition meetings and transition meetings for students who are about to enter the adult service sector.

Social Supports: Children with Autism often find socializing difficult.  Our Behaviour Consultant can work with your family and child to help increase his/her social skills and understanding with adults and peers (e.g. reciprocal communication, creating and maintaining positive peer relationships, reading non verbal cues, understanding others emotions, perspective taking, social etiquette etc.)

Transition Training: Helping child adapt to changes in daily routine or bigger life changes (e.g. transition to middle school, high school and/or adult services).

Pre Employment Training:

  • Conduct a vocational assessment for your child.
  • Assist client to develop skills that will help them when looking for paid employment in the future.

Our team is here to provide caring and consistent support to your family.







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